

MARINI Tommaso


Personal Information

Residence Ancona, ITA

Occupation Police Athlete

Languages English, Italian

License number 17042000003


World Cup4138
Belgrade (SERBIA), 2022-04-16Cairo (EGYPT), 2023-02-23Plovdiv (BULGARIA), 2022-04-29
Tokyo (JAPAN), 2022-12-09Acapulco (MEXICO), 2023-05-05
Paris (FRANCE), 2024-01-11Hong Kong (HONG KONG, CHINA), 2024-05-02
Cairo (EGYPT), 2024-02-23
World Championship11-2
Milan (ITALY), 2023-07-24Le Caire (EGYPT), 2022-07-17
Zone Championships11-2
Basel (SWITZERLAND), 2024-06-18Antalya (TÜRKIYE), 2022-06-18
Grand Prix21-3
Incheon (KOREA), 2022-05-13Anaheim, California (USA), 2019-03-15
Turin (ITALY), 2025-02-07
Londres (GREAT BRITAIN), 2017-09-17
Copenhague (DENMARK), 2021-10-09

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He took up the sport in 2009 in Ancona, Italy.

Why this sport? After two years of swimming he wanted to try another sport. He considered taking up tennis before deciding to focus on fencing. "I was hooked from the beginning, and when I began winning some bouts I thought it was the right sport."

Club / Team GS Fiamme Oro: Italy

General Interest

Nicknames Tommi (anconatoday.it, 07 Apr 2016)

Hobbies Fashion, watching movies, reading. (parigi2024.coni.it, 14 Jan 2024)

Injuries He underwent shoulder surgery in August 2023. (repubblica.it, 28 Jul 2023; lrestodelcarlino.it, 29 Jul 2023)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Fencing pushes me to give my all." (corriere.it, 21 Jul 2022)

Awards and honours In 2024 he was included in Forbes Italia's list of the 100 most notable Italians under age 30 in a variety of fields. (federscherma.it, 12 Mar 2024)

In 2022 he received the Collare d'Oro al Merito Sportivo [Golden Necklace for Sports Merit] from the Italian Olympic Committee [CONI]. (Facebook profile, 15 Nov 2022)

Ambitions To compete at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (parigi2024.coni.it, 14 Jan 2024)


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