

FIE Coaching Manual Helps Prospective Fencing Coaches

‘Sports Fencing’, a professional coaching manual published by the International Fencing Federation (FIE), is a newly released educational aide to prospective coaches pursuing an FIE coaching diploma.

‘This FIE coaching manual is great achievement of the FIE administration and Coaching Council’, said Dr. Gennady Tyshler, President of FIE Coaching Council and an author of the book. ‘It is very important that the manual will be available for all current and future fencing coaches around the world.’

The 164-page manual, co-authored by Vitaly Logvin, President of the Pan-American Fencing Confederation and FIE Executive Committee member, is divided into 12 chapters addressing the basics of coaching all three fencing weapons: foil, sabre and epee.

In particular, it targets coaching workshop and seminar attendees for the advancement of their coaching qualifications. It contains near-exhaustive descriptions of coaching methodology and exercises for mastering various fencing techniques. Special attention is given to tactics, footwork and motor skills unique to the sport. Sections on combat practice management and fencing terminology complete the manual.

In December 2015, the FIE Coaching Council official voted on and approved the manual and recommended for coaching education. Dozens of coaches have already received copies of the book, including it being distributed at the new FIE Budapest Coaching Academy.

Publication is available from leading equipment suppliers, and an online version of the book is available from www.coachtube.com.

The publication can be found under the ISBN number 978-0-620-65303-9.

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