

EFC’S Promotion and Marketing Commission Completes First Webinar Training


Led by Commission President, Ana Valero-Collantes, the EFC’s Promotions & Marketing Commission have recently completed a three-part webinar training series open to all. With over 200 participants, the series was seen as a great success with speakers including Commission Members, staff and national federation representatives.

The first seminar was focused on “Taking Your Event to the Next Level” with presentations from Stella Kluge (Media Manager), Manon Cottrel (French Federation) and Sylvain Desnous (Escrime Orleans). The Women’s Sabre Orleans World Cup has been an example of raising the bar for such events with the competition not only live streamed but also including a showcase final for a number of years.

The second seminar presented by Ana Valero-Collantes and Commission Member Loredana Dinu, Stella Kluge (Media Manager), Manon Cottrel (French Federation), Miguel Ojeda (Barcelona World Cup) plus Alessandro Noto from the Italian Federation, covered event marketing strategies and national federation promotion. The focus was on how to become more marketable.

The third and final seminar, titled “How to Stand Out! Personal Branding”, was led by Ruben Martin and Commission Member Jose-Luis Abajo with the focus on how best to promote yourself whether as a federation or an athlete.

The seminars were all recorded and are currently being edited. Once complete they will be available to all as on demand videos.

Speaking about the success of the series, Ana Valero-Collantes said, “I am particularly pleased about the large participation - the success of our seminars has been tremendous. The sessions have been very dynamic and interactive, which is important, and we want to organize more training in the future. Our goal was to inspire, motivate, share best practice and to assist the developing of our member federations, organizers, and athletes.

I am grateful that with this milestone we have been able to contribute to achieving important EFC objectives, thanks to the unconditional support of President Podznyakov and the Executive Committee. Even more gratifying is that this project has been accomplish during our 30th anniversary.”

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